by kevin de vette | Oct 25, 2016 | Referenties
Seit Januar 2015 pfeifen die Topschiedsrichter des Königlichen Niederländischen Korbballverbandes (KNKV) ihre Wettkampfspiele mit dem drahtlosen und handfreien Kommunikationssystem von AXIWI. Die Korbballschiedsrichter Joeri Kok und Marcel Luttik (Foto) haben das...
by kevin de vette | Oct 25, 2016 | Blog
PRESS RELEASE Research among more than 500 referees shows that through the use of a communication system, also called ‘headset‘, referees making decisions more correctly and faster during a sports game. They also indicate that a communication system can contribute to...
by kevin de vette | Oct 25, 2016 | Blog
Inside the sports club, the referee coordinator is responsible for training and supervising the referees. He ensures that there are educated referees on the field every weekend. Increasingly, a referee coach using a communication system during the training to educate...
by kevin de vette | Oct 25, 2016 | Blog
In the past, wireless communication systems for directly and effective contact with collegue referees, were only available for professional referees because they were expensive. Now the systems are affordable and each referee can use it for leading sports games. Many...
by kevin de vette | Mar 11, 2015 | Nieuws, Referenties
Die Topschiedsrichter des Niederländischen Handballverbandes pfeifen seit März dieses Jahres mit dem AXIWI Kommunikationssystem. Das sind Handballschiedsrichter aus der höchsten Niederländischen-Handball-Liga, der Lotto Ehrenliga. Einige Schiedsrichter kommen auch aus...